June Cleaver and Playboy: Our air-brushed ideals of motherhood

“What kind of mother do you want to be?” she asks. Not me, another she. I hate this question. It’s in cahoots with: What kind of person do you want to be? Well…thanks for asking…I want to be fit, successful, bright, well-read, tidy, organized, sexy, assertive, giving, open, fair-minded, strong, emotional (but not too emotional) … Continue reading

Collaborative art with a one year old: Healing my artist within

I have begun what I hope will be a liberating lifelong artistic collaboration. My co-artist is as uninhibited as they come. He paints with whatever he can get his hands on—turns the brush around and draws with the back. He uses his hands. Pours paint directly onto the paper. He loves glitter paint and often … Continue reading

Respect your child’s needs, respect yourself OR How co-sleeping with a sleep regressing son taught me to trust the program

We just went through a few weeks of restless sleep with Bodhi waking 5-10 times a night needing comfort, food or to eliminate after sleeping through most nights for months (except where he was sick or too busy to eat all day). So finally, I Googled “restless sleep toddler” and there is a predicted sleep … Continue reading