Respect your child’s needs, respect yourself OR How co-sleeping with a sleep regressing son taught me to trust the program

We just went through a few weeks of restless sleep with Bodhi waking 5-10 times a night needing comfort, food or to eliminate after sleeping through most nights for months (except where he was sick or too busy to eat all day). So finally, I Googled “restless sleep toddler” and there is a predicted sleep … Continue reading

Hate attachment parenting? Maybe it’s because you would suck at it

Advocates of attachment parenting quip that it’s a lazy way to parent. I am known to be one of those cheeky bastards. No bottles to wash. Roll over and nurse while sleeping. No crying babies. No expensive strollers and cribs. Watch me nurse while jogging, createns. Wheee! I believe some people’s resistance to attachment parenting … Continue reading

Free access to academic journals: get off Wikipedia and get your answers straight from scientists

Having lost my student status at the university of Calgary with my move to Bermuda, I have sorely missed my regular access to scientific journal articles. Reading the initial reference is essential to get the straight goods when you are doing research online. Wikipedia and sites like it are filled with incorrect materials and references … Continue reading