Tampons, Q-tips and co-peeing: Strategies to keep a baby of any age on the potty

Whether she’s six months old or three years, keeping a wriggly baby on the potty can be a challenge. Here are some strategies I use with our incredibly active one year old son who, after the big change of moving to Bermuda from Canada and being a month without daddy, is back to signing his … Continue reading

Something borrowed, something used: How our family saved $4000 in baby’s first year alone (and no I am not selling you something).

With all the great Facebook sites out there, Kijiji, second hand stores and a good dishwasher and dryer to sterilize all your purchases in until your baby licks the floor enough times to make you start to care about toxic cleaners over grit and grime, we need not buy anything new for our babies. Before … Continue reading