Sage Safety Advice: Looking for your kid? Check the baby pool first.

Summer is here and the baby pools are out. We recently refrained from purchasing a tall one that was fun for mom and dad, but too drowny for our 2 year old. The safety instructions for the one we ended up buying had this awesome piece of advice: The FIRST place to check if you … Continue reading

Respect your child’s needs, respect yourself OR How co-sleeping with a sleep regressing son taught me to trust the program

We just went through a few weeks of restless sleep with Bodhi waking 5-10 times a night needing comfort, food or to eliminate after sleeping through most nights for months (except where he was sick or too busy to eat all day). So finally, I Googled “restless sleep toddler” and there is a predicted sleep … Continue reading

Breastfeeding in preterm infants: growth versus brain power paradox

Severely preterm infants gain weight comparatively slower if breastfed–a worry for any parent. But a recent study in the journal BMJ shows in later years these slow growers have significant neurological improvement over those who did not receive breastmilk after hospital discharge. The researchers call this the “Apparent Breastfeeding Paradox.” This is additional evidence for … Continue reading