Sage Safety Advice: Looking for your kid? Check the baby pool first.

Summer is here and the baby pools are out. We recently refrained from purchasing a tall one that was fun for mom and dad, but too drowny for our 2 year old. The safety instructions for the one we ended up buying had this awesome piece of advice: The FIRST place to check if you … Continue reading

Soy-free, dairy-free, nutrient-rich, affordable, homemade protein powder

Vega is a fantastic product, but would run over $150 for a month’s supply in Bermuda and that is if I could actually find it. So I am left with making my own! Supplies A dear friend brought about 30 pounds of supplies ordered off of, a great website with tonnes of dried nuts … Continue reading

June Cleaver and Playboy: Our air-brushed ideals of motherhood

“What kind of mother do you want to be?” she asks. Not me, another she. I hate this question. It’s in cahoots with: What kind of person do you want to be? Well…thanks for asking…I want to be fit, successful, bright, well-read, tidy, organized, sexy, assertive, giving, open, fair-minded, strong, emotional (but not too emotional) … Continue reading